Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Alina and I are home!

And man am I ever tired! We have been through a lot since she was born, and I know my mom has filled you guys in with some... I will tell my story, and hopefully fill in the gaps.

On Thursday, my mom called and asked if I could come to the restaurant and work so she could go to a meeting. I told her, sure... since labor did not seem to want to happen. After my mom left, my dad and I were sitting there talking, and my body was VERY uncomfortable, and I had to stand up. I began pacing the floor... I walked around the restaurant for 2 hours because it was the only way I could tolerate the contractions. I called Chris and told him it was time to come and get me. We went to the hospital, and straight up to L&D and I was put on the monitors. My contractions at that point were between 5 and 10 minutes apart. My doctor was actually in the room when I got there. She was finishing up with another lady (which is a whole other funny story in itself...). She was not at all surprised to see me. She check me out and said "we are going to admit you, this baby is getting ready to come."

So now I was moved down the hall to one of the labor/delivery/recovery rooms. I went almost straight for the tub, but the nurse had to drill the 20 questions first. I learned that the tub does nothing for me... if anything, it made it worse! I got out after being in there for about 10 minutes. The bed was surprisingly comfortable... and I was able to get a little but of rest, before my water broke! Chris seemed a bit upset when I told him, because he had just gotten comfortable on the pull out bed. But he called the nurse in. When my water broke, I was at 7cm. My doctor came in, and they started setting everything up. That bed is SO COOL! Except, at that moment that was not what I was thinking... It was really uncomfortable the way they had me sitting up! I was starting to do pretty well breathing through the contractions! Chris was really good about reminding me on the breathing techniques. I went from breathing through the contractions to nearly crawling onto the floor. I was hurting so bad!! Chris said that at one point I said "I can't do it, I give up!" As if it were an option at that point! I caught the doctor and nurses off guard as it was time to push and they were not ready! They were pulling me, and telling me that I had to get back on my back, but I was very tense on my side clenching to the side bar of the bed. I finally gave, and got into position... 9 pushes later, we had a B-E-A-UTIFUL baby girl!

Alina Michelle
6lb 7oz
Friday, October 12th

Alina has had some really bad congestion. A lot of mucus build up that has come out through both her nose and her throat. They had to put tubes down her throat to clear some of it out, as she could not breath. She has thrown up a few times which has cleared out a lot of it, so that seems to be under control.

Her other issue, the "dimple". Basically it is a deep dimple about an inch above where her butt hole is. It is similar in appearance to that of the butt hole. We will be traveling to Nova Scotia within the next 3 weeks to have an MRI done. As soon as I know more, I will let you guys know. The doctors do not seem too worried. My OB told me yesterday that if I plan to have more children, I need to start taking folic acid before getting pregnant.

I think that I have covered everything. Thank you for all your well wishes and prayers! We really appreciate it!

And now, for the pictures!


Mommy Rader said...

She's beautiful! Thank you for sharing your birth story with us :) What a quick labor!!!! NICE. Gabe has a "dimple" too...but his is very small I guess cause the docs never said anything about it...other than alerting me that it was there and to be careful to clean it :) Congratulations on your new baby girl!!!

Mommy of Four said...

She's so itty bitty!! AND CUTE! She looks a LOT like Gabby did when she was born!! Anyway, sorry I kept missing your calls. I couldn't call you back because I don't have long distance and couldn't afford a phone card, as pay day still hadn't arrived. I wasn't neglecting you! Just poor timing, unfortunately:( Thanks for the labor details!

Dena said...

Super duper congratulations! She does look like Gabby, and she's cute! Thanks for the story details, glad things finally went so well. Congrats, mama!

Sabrina said...

She is beautiful! Congrats!!