I thought I would be a trend follower... Things you may or may not know about us..... And things you may or may not want to know about us...
1. Chris and I met in the mall at Chick-fil-a and then went ice skating...
2. I met Christian that night too...
3. Chris and I talked every day/night from that point on
4. I went on a mission trip to Mexico soon after we met
5. When I got home from my trip, Chris proposed.
6. Lots of people thought there was to big of an age difference
7. We don't care what other people think
8. We were married on July 23, 2005
9. All my family from Canada came
10. Soon after the wedding, we made it known that we would have an addition to our new family.
11. I had a very EASY pregnancy!
12. I got health insurance half way through the pregnancy.
13. Gabriella Louise was born on February 16, 2006.
14. She was 7lb 1oz and 18.5inches
15. I went back to work 4 weeks after Gabby was born
16. My dad watched Gabby when I am at work
17. Gabby is going to daycare tomorrow because my dad is going to Canada
18. I have 4 weeks of school left... That's it!
19. Christian is the best big brother Gabby could ever have!
20. We plan to be in Canada very very soon!
21. Chris used to cut eye glasses for a living
22. Christian has 3 older siblings (his mom's kids)
23. We do laundry almost everyday around here
24. I drive 45 minutes every morning, and almost 2 hours every evening
25. We can't wait to get out of Texas, for good!
26. I fall into peer pressure very easily!
27. I secretly told people that I never wanted kids of my own, but I really have wanted them all my life.
28. I have really bad athlete's foot... It showed up right after my wedding, and still has not gone away. I think I got it from the foot spa from my pedicure.
29. I am an impulse buyer.
30. Chris is 12 years older than me.
31. I was 16 when Christian was born.
32. I don't remember much from my college classes.
33. I have 3 step children that don't live with us... they are actually Christians brothers and sisters, but not Chris' kids. They look at me as a step mom, sort of.
34. I am afraid of port-a-poties
35. I have a hard time eating breakfast.
36. Chris and I cook a lot of chicken.
37. I teach a computer class after school, and most of the kids are from a public school. It is very different from my perfect little first graders!
38. My favorite TV show is 7th Hevean... but this is the last session! :(
39. Gabby's left ear has the same little elf point that mine does!
40. Chris and I never get to have 'dates' anymore.
****04/24/2006**** ****04/27/2006****