Sunday, December 03, 2006

To quiet!

WOW! It is too quiet at my house. Christian is across the street at a friends house, helping her with her computer, Gabby is in bed, and Chris is out of town. He left early this morning with my dad and Maurice (older brother) to drive to PEI. Yes, that's right, the love of my life has taken off with my daddy and my bu-bu! Since they left, I did some painting at my parents house here in Houston (it goes on the market either tomorrow or Tuesday), I have gone shopping for winter clothes for Gabby (found some very good deals!), I have washed all the laundry, I changed the door knobs in our bedroom, and I have cleaned the bedroom! Now that I am out of chores to do, all that is left is blogging and watching TV.

Things that are new: Gabby says bu-bye and waves while she does it... she started that almost a week ago, I think. She is trying so hard to walk... she has the standing part down... She is 100% weaned.... Pumping was getting to difficult... I did not have enough time, nor energy. Since I started weaning, I have been more energetic and less moody!

10 school days until Christmas break!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... driving to PEI! When do they get back, that is quite a trip to take this time of the year for up this way!!!
Good luck keeping yourself busy!
Are they looking at houses or something?