Sunday, December 31, 2006


WOW! Christmas was, shall we say, interesting! The day that my mom and the kids and I left for Canada, we were supposed to leave by 5am. Well, that of course, did not happen. Mainly because my moms cat is a stubborn old bitty! I had her in her cage and ready to go... But my little brother and I were taking her out to go to the restroom before the long trip. Well, she managed to get out of her harness, and she took off! We spent 5 hours chasing that STUPID cat around the neighborhood! I finally sweet talked her into coming with me.... You know, in baby talk "come on Cinza, come on baby.... It's okay..." Well within seconds she was rubbing against my legs and I grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and carried her to my mom's house. We then tranquilizer her and put her in her carrier. Be-be (my moms other cat) never left our sight.... I think she was just so freaked out about the move... The cats could tell something was going on.

So we finally got on the road around 10am.... The kids were great... My mom slept.... I drove until I could not drive anymore... and we only made it to West Memphis, Arkansas.... Not bad for only having about 4 hours of sleep, and then chasing a STUPID cat around the neighborhood for 5 hours! Our second day on the road, we made a lot more progress, we made it just past Lansing, MI. We stopped there for the night so that we would not be crossing the Canada border late at night.... Because Gabby would not be a happy camper!

Our border crossing was easy.... They took care of my moms paperwork (since she was moving to Canada) and they did not even ask me for my passport or anything for the kids! That really bothered me, because I could have been a kid-napper..... But, it was also good, because we were done in about 10 minutes! 4 hours later, we were at my aunt and uncles house. Gabby, Christian and I went and woke up Chris (who we had not seen for 2 weeks). He looked so different. He lost weight! After we had been there about an hour, he told me that his tooth was really bothering him. I asked if he wanted to go to the dentist and he said no.... He wanted to wait till we got home. Well, the next morning his check was SO puffy! I took him to the dentist, and sure enough, he had a massive infection. They put him on anti-biotic and the next day the tooth (well the roots of the toothy, was all that was left) was pulled. It was a wisdom tooth. They also told him that the one on the other side was doing the same thing, so we made an appointment for that one to be pulled 2 days later. The dentist that was there at the time was not able to do it, so instead, he got two fillings that day.

Christmas was good. The kids got lots of presents from all the family in Canada. And the family loved Gabby! Oh, and my little stinker started walking while we were there! LOOK OUT WORLD! So, here are some pics from Christmas I had more, but a computer glich caused me to loose a lot of pictures....

Well, we have been back in Houston for a couple days now. Our trip home went very smoothly! Our first day on the road, we did not leave until about 1pm (Ontario time) due to a tooth being pulled, and my mom not wanting us to leave... But we wanted to at least get a start. We stopped for the night at a motel somewhere in Ohio... About 30 minutes from Kentucky.... Then we got up around 8am the next morning and hit the road. We did not stop (except for restroom breaks and eating) until we got to Conroe, Texas to drop off Maurice (my big brother). That was around 3am. We got back to our house around 4am, and none of us could sleep. Gabby wanted to play, Christian wanted to play his Playstation (which he missed like crazy) and Chris and I were just not ready for bed. So we played with Gabby for a while. I guess around 5ish we layed down... Gabby fell asleep... I don't think that Christian ever went to bed. We slept for a couple hours... And we were up opening MORE presents. Chris' dad sent two big boxes of presents for us. These kids have so many toys, and nowhere to put them! Gabby needs her own room SO bad!

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