It's my birthday, so happy birthday.
Pain and sorrow fill the air,
People dying everywhere.
But it's my birthday, so happy birthday.
I heard this song back in my middle school days.. I thought I would share it with you, since today had to be one of my worst birthdays ever!
1. Gabby puked on me right before I left my parents house for work.
2. I had to go to work.
3. My class was a bunch of little pains.
4. We were finishing up our standardized testing (I hate those things).
5. Lunch was gross!
6. Right after I got to my parents house to pick up Gabby, the weather got really bad, and I ended up staying there for like to hours later than normal. The power went out, right as I was setting up my pump (since Gabby was not hungry) and I did not have my manual pump with me.
7. When I got home, Chris was asleep, Gabby was cranky, and there is nothing to eat!
Okay, I am done complaining now... since you all love lists so much, I thought that I would share that way!
Happy 25th to me.... yeeeeaaaaaaah.
happy birthday!
haha - sorry to hear your birthday was so yucky. Guess the bright side is that your parents live close enough that you can be stuck at THEIR house and not some random stranger/babysitter, you HAVE a job to go to, you HAVE a baby to puke on you, (not sure how to put a positive spin on cranky kids...)
:) May the year be a little brighter than the birthday itself!
Well, happy birthday anyway!!
Mine's on Tuesday. It's gonna suck this year. No jobs for either one of us, and $190 in the bank for groceries (diapers for two kids with diahrrea included). Plus, I'll bet that the hospital will call me on that day to tell me I didn't get me dream job. THAT will NOT be a happy day!
Happy Birthday!
I did not realize I was older than you though! Next year will be better though! You will be in or almost in Canada! YAY~
Denise :)
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