Sunday, December 04, 2005

Babies are so cute!

So, I got to hold a baby at church today... He was only a week and a half old! He was sooooooooo cute! Everyone told me it was good practice and blah blah blah... I was just excited to get to hold a cue little baby!

Oh, and we got our Christmas tree last night, YEAH! We decorated today some, but still have some work to do. Our house will soon be a Christmas gallery. Well, I need to get to bed. Hope all is well out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love getting all ready for Christmas.. I have no tree this year with Tyler gone, but I have a mini one with lights, and lights and garland around the windows, and above the shelves in the kitchen! Plus other Seasonal decorations!
The youngest baby I ever met was 2-3 weeks old, and it never woke up while I babysat.. I just sat there whispering.. wake up, I want to feed/hold you!.. lol.. They are just so cute at that age! So small and completely helpless! Soon you will have your very own! ;)